Located at Sequoya Elementary, our Pre-K program provides a safe and nurturing environment where children learn through a unique thematic based curriculum. Each day, teachers introduce and present a topic related to our theme. Our thematic units place strong emphasis on science, art, social studies, literature, math and creative play.
Our teacher-student ratio is 1 – 10.
An atmosphere in which a child can grow in self worth, respect for others, self discipline, responsibility, curiosity and a delight in learning is highly stressed.
“Our experience with Pre-K has been incredibly positive…The impact of having the opportunity to explore both the natural and cultural world that Pre-K makes possible is boundless…my son has learned tolerance and responsibility in Pre-K…He has learned to appreciate the beliefs and rituals of other cultures, respect the earth, and celebrate learning for learning’s sake. Although I work hard to educate him holistically, I cannot provide the same intense and structured investigation that his Pre-K class does…his enthusiasm is all the proof I need to know that this program is a jewel in the crown of Sequoya.” C.H.