
At Sequoya Elementary, families indicated a need and desire for a quality after-school program.  For 20+ years, Project S.A.F.E. (Sequoya’s After-school Fun Enrichment) has provided enlightening and secure care for the Sequoya students.  Our purpose is to provide a safe and stimulating environment for your children and your peace of mind.

Our student to staff ratio is 12:1.

The students are divided into three age appropriate groups with a teacher and one or two aides with each group.

We are proud of Project S.A.F.E.’s two most valuable assets – stability and quality.

markersWe provide guided homework time, enrichment activities, special events, celebrations, and community service projects.  We serve two healthy snacks a day. Our program creates a fun atmosphere for all children.

The staff at Project S.A.F.E. has been part of our team for 20 years, an incredible statistic for an after-school program.  Combined, we have over 80 years experience.  The longevity of our staff provides a stable environment for your children. Thank you for sharing your children with us!

“Stellar after-school program, children enjoy and reap the benefits.”  N.S.